It seems that your auto insurance rates always go up and there is little you can do about it. In fact, you have some control over your premium. Here’s what you can do to pay less.

1. Complete Defensive Driving Course.
You can do it online also on the DMV website.

2. Ask about discounts.
Insurance companies offer many of them, e.g. for people with higher education, newlywed couples, good students, members of different organizations or financial institutions.

3. Bundle policies into package or move to the same carrier.
It will allow you to apply a discount on both (usually home and auto policies).

4. The zip code matters.
I am not recommending moving just to get a better premium, but you can take that into consideration when planning on changing your location.

5. Improve your credit score.
It has a big impact on your premium. Keeping all your accounts in good standing will also improve your financial health in general.

6. Allow to monitor your driving.
If you have good driving habits, you may qualify for a higher discount.

7. Choose a safe vehicle.
Next time you shop for a new car, choose the one that has more safety features and anti-theft alarm. Some companies offer a lower premium for hybrid and alternative fuel vehicles.

8. Compare your rate among top insurance providers.
90% of Americans overpay their insurance, check if you are one of them – call me today, I’ll be happy to help you.

Note: The young drivers always hike the prices of insurance policies. The premium will drop after the age of 25 or after 3 years from getting licensed if you are over 25.


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